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Acorns Children’s Hospice Snowdon Climb

Dear Nick and the rest of the incredible team at Penguin Recruitment,

On behalf of all the children and young people who come to Acorns Children’s Hospice, I would like to thank you for your very generous donation of £1,248 raised from your climb up Snowdon over the summer. It was so very kind of you to choose to support Acorns for your challenge. Please do send our thanks to all those who so kindy sponsored you!

As you know, such support allows Acorns to provide a lifeline to local children and families. The total amount of £1,248 you so generously raised could pay for ten children and their families to have a hydrotherapy session with a trained physiotherapist at one of our hospices. Many of the children we support are wheelchair users, so special sessions in our hydrotherapy pools give them the chance to relax and stretch any stiff muscles, and spend time with their family. Here at Acorns we help families live life to the full, helping to create these special experiences children with complex needs may otherwise miss out on and bring back a sense of normality to family life.

It costs £27,000 a day to run all of Acorns services. 60% of our funding, around £6 million a year, comes from our wonderful community of fundraisers. Without fundraisers like you, Acorns would not be able to take care of local children and families that need us. Thank you so much.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like to do any future fundraising, and hopefully you can put up the below certificate somewhere in the office!

Best wishes,

Isabel Goodwin
Fundraising Officer 


October 28, 2021

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